Points to be Kept in Mind while filing GSTR‑2 Details of inward supplies of goods or services

  1. Table 3 & 4 to cap­ture infor­ma­tion of:
  • Invoice-lev­el inward sup­ply infor­ma­tion, rate-wise, per­tain­ing to the tax peri­od report­ed by sup­pli­er in GSTR‑1 to be made avail­able in GSTR‑2 based on auto- pop­u­lat­ed details received in GSTR-2A;
  • Table 3 to cap­ture inward sup­plies oth­er than those attract­ing reverse charge and Table 4 to cap­ture inward sup­plies attract­ing reverse  charge;
  • The recip­i­ent tax­pay­er has the fol­low­ing option to act on the auto pop­u­lat­ed information: 
    1. Accept,
    2. Reject,
    3. Mod­i­fy (if infor­ma­tion pro­vid­ed by sup­pli­er is incor­rect), or
    4. Keep the trans­ac­tion pend­ing for action (if goods or ser­vices have not been received)
  • After tak­ing the action, recip­i­ent tax­pay­er will have to men­tion whether he is eli­gi­ble to avail cred­it or not and if he is eli­gi­ble to avail cred­it, then the amount of eli­gi­ble cred­it against the tax men­tioned in the invoice needs to be filed;
  • The recip­i­ent tax­pay­er can also add invoic­es (not uploaded by the coun­ter­par­ty sup­pli­er) if he is in pos­ses­sion of invoic­es and have received the goods or services;
  • Table 4A to be auto populated;
  • In case of invoic­es added by recip­i­ent tax pay­er, Place of  Sup­ply (PoS)  to be cap­tured always except in case of sup­plies received from reg­is­tered per­son, where it is required only if the same is dif­fer­ent from the loca­tion of the recipient;


  • Recip­i­ent will have the option to accept invoic­es auto pop­u­lat­ed as well as add invoic­es, per­tain­ing to reverse charge only when the  time  of sup­ply aris­es in terms of sec­tion 12 or 13 of the Act; and
  • Recip­i­ent tax pay­er is required to declare in Col­umn 12 whether the inward sup­plies are inputs or input ser­vices or cap­i­tal goods (includ­ing plant and machinery).
  1. Details relat­ing to import of Goods/Capital Goods from out­side India as well as sup­plied by an SEZ Unit to be report­ed rate-wise by recip­i­ent tax pay­er in Table
  2. Recip­i­ent to pro­vide for Bill of Entry infor­ma­tion includ­ing six dig­its port code and sev­en dig­its bill of entry
  3. Tax­able Val­ue in Table 5 means assess­able val­ue for cus­toms pur­pos­es on which IGST is com­put­ed (IGST is levied on val­ue plus spec­i­fied cus­toms duties). In case of imports, the GSTIN would be of recip­i­ent tax
  4. Table 6 to cap­ture amend­ment of infor­ma­tion, rate-wise, pro­vid­ed in ear­li­er tax peri­ods in Table 3, 4 and 5 as well as original/ amend­ed infor­ma­tion of deb­it or cred­it note. GSTIN not to be pro­vid­ed in case of export
  5. Table 7 cap­tures infor­ma­tion on a gross value
  6. An option sim­i­lar to Table 3 is not avail­able in case of Table 8 and the cred­it as dis­trib­uted by ISD (whether eli­gi­ble or inel­i­gi­ble) will be made avail­able to the recip­i­ent unit and it will be required to re-deter­mine the eli­gi­bil­i­ty as well as the amount eli­gi­ble as
  7. TDS and TCS cred­it would be auto-pop­u­lat­ed in Table Sales return and Net val­ue columns are not applic­a­ble in case of tax deduct­ed at source in Table 9.
  8. The eli­gi­ble cred­it from Table 3, Table 4 & Table 8 relat­ing to inward sup­plies to be pop­u­lat­ed in the Elec­tron­ic Cred­it Ledger on sub­mis­sion of its return in Form GSTR‑3.
  9. Recip­i­ent can claim less ITC on an invoice depend­ing on its use e. whether for busi­ness pur­pose or non-busi­ness purpose.
  10. Infor­ma­tion of advance paid per­tain­ing to reverse charge sup­plies and the tax paid on it includ­ing adjust­ments against invoic­es issued should be report­ed in Table
  11. Table 12 to cap­ture addi­tion­al lia­bil­i­ty due to mis­match as well as reduc­tion in out­put lia­bil­i­ty due to rec­ti­fi­ca­tion of mis­match on account of fil­ing of GSTR‑3 of the imme­di­ate­ly pre­ced­ing tax

Report­ing cri­te­ria of HSN will be same as report­ed in   GSTR‑1.

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