Author: commerceclub

Post or Posting wise specific Deductions allowed to Salaried Person in Financial Year 2018–19 from their Salary Income under Income Tax

Post or Post­ing wise spe­cif­ic Deduc­tions allowed to Salaried Per­son in Finan­cial Year 2018–19 from their Salary Income under Income Tax. Sec­tion wise deduc­tion lim­it is giv­en in the fol­low­ing Table. Sec­tion Nature of Deduc­tions Amount of Deduc­tion 10(7) For­eign allowances or perquisites…

Rates of Depreciation as Per Companies Act 2013

Depre­ci­a­tion under com­pa­nies act to be cal­cu­lat­ed based on the use­ful life of any assets. Com­pa­nies act 2013 has pre­scribed the use­ful life of any asset.  1. Depre­ci­a­tion is the sys­tem­at­ic allo­ca­tion of the depre­cia­ble amount of an asset over its use­ful life.…

Cost Inflation Index for Calculation of Capital Gain

Cost Infla­tion Index For Cal­cu­la­tion Of Cap­i­tal Gain  As per Noti­fi­ca­tion no. So 1790(e) [no. 44/2017 (f. No. 370142/11/2017-tpl)], dat­ed 5–6‑2017, fol­low­ing table should be used for the Cost Infla­tion Index :- Sl. No. Finan­cial Year Cost Infla­tion Index 1  2001-02  100  2  2002-03  105  3 …

Documents Required for registration of Society in West Bengal

Eli­gi­bil­i­ty Cri­te­ria: Appli­cant should be a res­i­dent of West Ben­gal and a mem­ber of con­sti­tut­ing soci­ety. Doc­u­ments Required: Pho­to Iden­ti­ty Proof for 1st Gov­ern­ing Body Mem­bers (all) Own­er­ship Proof for Pri­vate cas­es. NOC (in the form of affi­davit, in case of…

Advance Ruling- What should be the rate of GST on works contract for constructing a civil structure for a Govt entity

Fol­low­ing Advance rulling passed by the WEST BENGAL AUTHORITY FOR ADVANCE RULING GOODS AND SERVICE TAX in the case of  ITD Cemen­ta­tion India Ltd  on 08.01.2019 1.The Appli­cant is stat­ed to be sup­ply­ing works con­tract ser­vice. He has entered into an agree­ment with Inland Water­ways Author­i­ty of India (here­inafter the IWAI)…